Monthly Archives: October 2014

Market Capture: China’s Energy Relationship with Turkmenistan

by Ryan McKinley China’s energy security has become predicated on its ability to secure cheap hydrocarbon imports. This is because China relies on cheap, reliable fuels to keep its manufacturing sector competitive and the lights on for a staggeringly large population. While domestically produced coal has historically played the largest role in in China’s electricity […]

Stalled Negotiations on South Stream – Addressing Fears of More Russian Gas

by Nicholas Watt As the European Union heralds in new leadership with Jean-Claude Juncker replacing former Commissioner Jose Barroso, it is an appropriate time to review the considerations from the EU and US that have gone into halting progress of Russia’s South Stream pipeline, as well as to highlight developments in Europe’s gas market that […]

End of the Fracking Dream

by Fabio Herrero In a previous article entitled, “US Natural Gas Export: A Sensible Move?” dated September 2014, I wrote about the nonsense surrounding the US gas export meme and debunked the frack gas miracle. Many arguments used for my case, which was that the gas boom was not a long lasting one and that […]