Monthly Archives: October 2013

Taking Shortcuts: Uzbekistan’s Path to the Global Energy Market

by Simon Schmidt Among the Central Asian states, Uzbekistan is mainly regarded as a second-tier energy player. Kazakhstan’s vast oil resources and Turkmenistan’s natural gas fields received primary attention by international energy companies. So far the double-landlocked country is characterized by high reliance on gas for domestic consumption, unprofitable energy trade agreements with its neighbors […]

An Optimist’s Take on Global Climate Change: Russia as a Winner

by Colin Chilcoat Global climate change, or more specifically, anthropogenic global warming, is a topic as polarizing as it is nuanced. To date, much of the discussion has centered on whether or not it in fact exists. The scientific community is closer than ever to a consensus opinion that man-made climate change is real and […]

The Future of LNG Means More Pipeline Politics

by Lauren Bardin The United States’ potential as a major gas supplier has sent shock waves not only across state lines but also over oceans. As late as 2009 it was expected that the US would need to import LNG in major quantities in order to meet demand, yet almost overnight, import terminals became obsolete. […]